About 4e Global and Programs

About the Organization :

4e Global [Education, Employment , Entrepreneurship , and Empowerment ] aims to educate, employ, empower the next generation of leaders through educational opportunities, entrepreneurial activities and training.


  • 1. Opportunity Cell
  • 2. School Program- Education4All
  • 3. College Program- Access to College 4 Everyone
  • 4. Jobs Program
  • 5. Entrepreneurship Program

Opportunity Cell:

  • About: Opportunity Cell is an opportunity discovery and preparation platform that increases the levels of access, aspiration and achievement across schools and communities.
  • Vision: Increasing levels of access, aspiration and achievement across schools, colleges and communities till the last mile.
  • Work: Connect students and young professionals with national, and international opportunities. It  includes Jobs, Internships, competitions and conferences, scholarships and fellowships, awards and grants, workshops and exchange programs across all fields — Science and Technology, Leadership and Innovation, Policy and Research, Art and Design, Sports, etc.

School Program:

  • About: School Program is an initiative to identify talents in the village level, prepare them for Competitive exams and Govt. funded English medium schools.
  • Vision: Increasing levels of access, aspiration and achievement across schools, colleges and communities till the last mile.
  • Work: Through village youths, children who are bright and interested in pursuing educations are identified, they and their parents are counseled, then they were admitted into 90-days program, in which we prepare them for competitive exams and entrance exams. We provide application and transportation support to the candidates.

College Program:

  • About: CollegeProgram is an initiative to identify talents and prepare young leaders for the Top National and International Universities.
  • Vision: To prepare more student leaders and enable them to pursue education in world class universities.
  • Work: Through village youths, students who are bright and interested in pursuing educations are identified, they and their parents are counseled, then they were admitted into 90-days program, in which we prepare them for competitive exams and entrance exams. Mentoring support is being provided by the alumni of the respective courses. Along with that we provide application and transportation support to the candidates.

Jobs Program

  • About: Through Jobs Program, we enroll people from all walks of life and empower the marginalized and minority groups by providing them with an opportunity to get skilled, and employed.
  • Vision: Create a win-win for the youth and the industry by filling the existing gaps in skill training.
  • Work: Youths who are 10th pass and graduated and have score more than 50% are enrolled in various skill based courses such as Spoken English, Electrical, Fitter, Computer Skills, and Cosmetology & Health through our organizational partners.

Entrepreneurship Program

  • About: Through Entrepreneurship Program, we provide seed fund (through other organisations) encourage, and try to inculcate an entrepreneurial mindset and promote entrepreneurship among the rural youths.
  • Vision: Reduce unemployment, Promote entrepreneurship and create income streams. 
  • Work: Those who are interested in starting their business, we Support and nurture entrepreneurs and provide quality mentorship to steer the entrepreneurial journeys of those interested, by providing incubation, and constant support.