About the Organization

UBS is the world’s largest and only truly global wealth manager. We operate through four business divisions: Global Wealth Management, Personal & Corporate Banking, Asset Management and the Investment Bank. Our global reach and the breadth of our expertise set us apart from our competitors.With more than 70,000 employees, we have a presence in all major financial centers in more than 50 countries.

About the Role

We’re looking for someone like that to: 

  • be responsible for developing talent by leveraging recruiting processes and tools 
  • gathering role requirements and recommendations.  
  • create an excellent experience by evaluating candidate skills and client needs.  
  • manage recruiting initiatives to meet established goals.  
  • work on employee onboardings, personal and organizational data changes, employee exits, trainings operations and more.  
  • rotational assignment within HR Operations to learn different process and learn to use the latest HR tools and technology 
  • first point of contact for employees and line managers. Applying advisory philosophy to provide proactive guidance to our employees and resolve their HR matters. 
  • supporting payroll & benefits operations

Your team

  • You will be a part of the India HR team based in Pune and functionally support multiple global HR processes

Your expertise

  • Strong interest in the financial services industry and Human Resources 
  • Manage multiple tasks, manage time constrains and get things done. 
  • Excellent analytical skills 
  • Curiosity and a thirst for innovation & customer experience 
  • An expert at building networks and connections 
  • Known for leading by example when challenging the status quo 
  • An open communicator, collaborative and used to flat hierarchies

How to Apply

Join our WhatsApp and Telegram groups to stay updated with all opportunities!