
The Chevening Scholarship is a prestigious opportunity for students from Chevening member or eligible countries to pursue a fully-funded one-year master’s program in the United Kingdom. The UK is renowned for its world-class educational institutions, making it a sought-after destination for international students. The Chevening UK Government Scholarship program provides talented and motivated students with the chance to excel in their careers and receive training from top-notch educational institutions.

Chevening Scholarship 2024 Details:

  • Host Country: United Kingdom
  • Host Organization: Chevening Awards, awarded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organizations.
  • Course Level: Master’s Degree Program (Masters/MPhil)
  • Course Duration: 1 year Master’s Degree Scholarship Program

Benefits of the Chevening Scholarship 2024:

  • Chevening covers quarantine costs if booked by Diversity Travel.
  • Tuition fees are covered.
  • Visa fees are waived for Chevening scholars.
  • Monthly living allowance.
  • Economy class return air ticket.
  • Additional UK grants to cover extra expenses.
  • Reimbursement for applicable TB tests.
  • Cash cards provided upon arrival.

Eligibility Criteria for the Chevening Scholarship 2024:

  • Applicant must be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country or territory.
  • Applicant must commit to returning to their home country for at least two years after completing the award.
  • Full-time master’s degree program of 12 months duration.
  • Undergraduate degree equivalent to an upper second class 2:1 honors degree in the UK.
  • Unconditional offer letter from one of three selected university courses.
  • Minimum of two years of work experience (or 2,800 hours).
  • Dual British nationals are ineligible unless they are citizens of British overseas territories applying from Hong Kong.
  • Applicants holding refugee status in a non-Chevening country are ineligible unless they are in Chevening member countries.
  • Employees, former employees, or relatives of employees of Her Majesty’s Government, or staff members of the Association member of Commonwealth Universities, cannot apply.
  • Applicants who are employees, former employees, or relatives of employees of a Chevening partner organization can apply but cannot receive a Chevening partner award from that particular organization.
  • Applicants already in the UK under UK Government funding cannot apply.

Application Process for the Chevening Scholarship 2024:

  • Apply online through the online application system (OAS).
  • Recommended to use Google Chrome on a laptop or PC for the application.
  • Apply for three different university courses as an unconditional offer letter from one of them is required.
  • Ensure documents are in JPG, PNG, or PDF format and not larger than 5MB.
  • File names should not exceed 50 characters.

Application Deadline for the Chevening Scholarship 2024:

  • The application deadline is November 7, 2023.

Additional Tips:

  • Provide accurate information, especially contact details.
  • Avoid using browser back and forward buttons; use the menu within the application form.
  • The application does not have an autosave feature, so save your progress regularly.
  • You have three chances to submit the eligibility form correctly.
  • Once submitted, the application cannot be modified.
  • You have only one chance per year to submit your application.


  • Two reference letters are required.
  • Referees must provide contact details, how long they have known the applicant, their capacity, and when they last contacted the applicant.
  • The reference letters should briefly endorse the applicant’s skills and suitability for the Chevening Scholarship.

Success Tips:

  • Answer pre-screen questions accurately.
  • Fill out the application form carefully, especially the work experience section.
  • Do not indicate dual citizenship.
  • Avoid duplicate course selections or duplicate courses for the same university.
  • Accurately complete the declaration part.
  • Write original answers; plagiarism will result in rejection.
  • Do not repeat the same answers.
  • Consider having an English Proficiency Certificate, even though Chevening does not require it, as it may be required by the university offering an unconditional offer letter.


The Chevening Scholarship offers a unique opportunity for students from eligible countries to pursue a fully-funded master’s degree in the UK. This scholarship not only covers tuition fees but also provides financial support for various expenses. It is a highly competitive scholarship, so applicants must carefully follow the application process and eligibility criteria. Chevening scholars have a track record of making a positive impact on their communities and the world, making this scholarship a valuable opportunity for aspiring leaders. The application deadline for the 2024 scholarship is November 7, 2023.

Link to the Official Application: Chevening Scholarship 2024 – Apply Now

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