Company Overview:

Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more. As employees, we unite with a growth mindset, driving innovation to empower others and collaborating to achieve our shared goals. Each day, we uphold our values of respect, integrity, and accountability, fostering a culture of inclusion where everyone can thrive, both at work and beyond. Explore our cultural attributes to learn more.

At Microsoft, interns embark on real-world projects in collaboration with teams worldwide, all while enjoying the journey. You’ll have the opportunity to build a community, pursue your passions, and reach your goals. This is your chance to bring your solutions and ideas to life while working with cutting-edge technology. Our internship not only allows you to do meaningful work and learn and grow but also immerses you in a culture enriched with diverse community connections, executive engagement, and memorable events.


  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering, computer science, or a related field with a Minimum CGPA of 8/10.
  • Expected graduation year: 2025.
  • Good to have Microsoft Technology Certifications (.Net, Azure).
  • Fluent in verbal and written English.
  • Deep understanding of markets, customers, and related technology.


As an Associate Consultant Intern, you will:

  • Implement, develop, and architect effective solutions while collaborating directly with customers.
  • Leverage your software expertise to ensure our customers derive greater business value from our world-class technology.
  • Cultivate your expertise in platform and industry solutions, as well as strategic technology consulting.
  • If you seek an opportunity to make an immediate impact with real-world implications, this is an ideal place to begin.


  • Technology Obsessed: Passionate about technology and innovation.
  • Influence and Leadership: Ability to influence, inspire, and lead from any role.
  • Business and Technology: Good understanding of the relationship between technology and business.
  • Problem Solving: Learn and apply engineering principles to solve business problems through teamwork.
  • Eagerness to Learn: Enthusiastic about personal growth and learning.
  • Communication: Excellent communication, negotiation, and presentation skills.
  • Relationship Building: Competency in building successful relationships.
  • Analytical Skills: Strong analytical problem-solving skills.
  • Collaboration: Thriving in a fast-paced, ambiguous environment with a knack for cross-boundary collaboration.

How to Apply?

  • CLICK HERE to Visit the official website and apply!
  • CLICK HERE to Join Opportunity Cell Groups to receive updates on various opportunities!
  • Book our Career Counseling & Mentoring Services to Increase your Selection Chances,BOOK NOW!