IBM, Bengaluru inviting applications for Research Internship Opportunity at for the year 2021.


At IBM Research, we invent things that matter to the world. Today, we are pioneering the most promising and disruptive technologies that will transform the future of industries and society in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Hybrid Cloud, Security and Impact Science. With more than 3,000 researchers in 12 labs located across six continents, IBM Research is one of the world’s largest and most influential corporate research labs where we are driven to discover.

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IBM India Research Lab is a premier research lab not only in India but also in the Asia region. The India lab has an impressive list of achievements and innovations in AI, Hybrid Cloud and Security. Here we focus on a wide array of projects in exploratory and applied research from multiple domains like: NLP, Conversation System, Data and AI, Distributed System, Cryptography and many more. We have a vibrant and growing open source program in established communities such as Hyperledger and Kubernetes.

We have many internships positions available and are seeking highly motivated students with a background in computer science, artificial intelligence, applied mathematics or equivalent areas. The ability to work independently with latest tools in these focus areas highly desired.


  • Student must be enrolled in one of the following degree program: Btech/MS/Mtech/PhD
  • Preferred degrees include Computer science, Mathematics.
  • Student should have good hands-on experience in one or more of these programming languages widely used in open source community projects such as Go, Python, Ruby, C/C++, Java, Node.js, Javascript etc.
  • Student should have decent Linux programming exposure.
  • Good to have some exposure to open source projects within Kubernetes/Big Data platform communities such as Knative, Operators, Fluentd, Prometheus, Elasticsearch etc.
  • Good knowledge of software engineering practices including agile processes
  • Student must have very strong problem solving aptitude and ability to delve into multifaceted pieces of knowledge

Roles & Responsibilities

  • As a Research Intern you get involved in work that really changes the world? What about somewhere with incredible and diverse career and development opportunities – where you can truly discover your passion?
  • Are you looking for a culture of openness, collaboration and trust – where everyone has a voice? What about all of these? If so, then IBM could be your next career challenge. Join us, not to do something better, but to attempt things you never thought possible.

Click here to apply for Research Internship Opportunity at IBM, Bengaluru.

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