Are you a young professional passionate about policy, politics, and governance? The Mukherjee Fellowship, conducted by PPGF in partnership with NFPRC, is a prestigious program designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the policymaking process and active politics. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey that will shape your career in the world of public service.

About the Fellowship:

The Policy, Politics, and Governance Fellowship is a year-long program that offers young professionals a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in policy, politics, and governance. Fellows will work closely with premier elected representatives and administrators in India, actively participating in the policymaking process. The Fellowship aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of policymaking and equip Fellows with the necessary skills to succeed in this field.


  • Final Year Students and Graduates from Any Field.

Duration of the Mukherjee Fellowship:

  • The Mukherjee Fellowship extends over a period of 12 months, providing you with an immersive and in-depth experience in policy, politics, and governance.

Perks and Benefits of the Fellowship:

  • Salary of Rs.50,000 per month.
  • Fellows who complete the Fellowship will receive a course completion certificate from PPGF.
  • Fellows can also receive recommendation letters from their chosen respective representatives at the completion of their Fellowship.

What do we offer?

By participating in the Mukerjee Fellowship, you can expect the following benefits:

  • Equip Yourself with Essential Tools:
    • The Fellowship provides you with the basic tools required to work effectively with elected representatives and administrators, both within and outside the government.
    • This includes a comprehensive understanding of policy formulation, political dynamics, and effective governance.
  • Gain Experience in Premier Offices:
    • As a Fellow, you will have the opportunity to work with premier elected representatives and be at the heart of policy-making and governance in the country.
    • This hands-on experience will provide you with invaluable insights and practical skills that are highly sought after in the public service sector.
  • Potential Full-Time Roles:
    • At the end of the Fellowship, outstanding Fellows may be considered for potential full-time roles in leading policy research institutions or even in the personal offices of premier elected representatives in the country.
    • This opens up exciting career opportunities for you to continue making a significant impact in the policy and governance domain.

Structure of the Mukherjee Fellowship:

The Mukherjee Fellowship comprises the following key components:

  • Theoretical Learning Module: The Fellowship begins with a 1.5-month-long in-person training module held in Delhi. This module introduces Fellows to diverse perspectives and provides a theoretical foundation in policy, politics, and governance.
  • Experiential Learning Module: Following the theoretical training, Fellows will embark on a 10.5-month-long experiential learning journey. During this phase, Fellows will be deputed to the offices of Members of Parliament (MPs) to gain practical experience and actively contribute to the policymaking process.
  • Posting:Fellows will be deputed to senior political leaders based on their performance during the Theoretical Learning Module. The most exceptional Fellows may receive appointments at the offices of chief ministers and high-ranking union ministers, providing them with unparalleled exposure and opportunities.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Fellows:

As a Fellow, you will be involved in various tasks within

the offices of elected representatives and administrators. Some of the responsibilities may include:

  • Providing inputs for bills under discussion, parliamentary questions, and general policy discussions.
  • Conducting background research for meetings, conferences, speeches, and media events.
  • Researching a diverse range of topics as per the office’s requirements.
  • Assisting in managing a political leader’s social media presence and other communications.
  • Drafting issue briefs, communication materials, and assisting with documentation.
  • Supporting political campaigns and liaising with industry consultants for policy formulation, political campaigning, and legislative research.

Career Opportunities:

  • Long term positions in the office of their assigned leader.
  • Placement support in the corporate and policy consulting sectors.
  • Possible accommodation in various semi-government positions (OSDs among others) across the nation.
  • Academic support to enable admissions to top institutions in India and abroad.

Important Dates:

  • For the Fellowship starting in the year 2024, the program will commence on Aug 5, 2024.
  • The deadline to apply for the Fellowship is July 25, 2024.

How to Apply:

For Official Notification & To Apply CLICK HERE
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The Mukherjee Fellowship, offers young professionals a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in policy, politics, and governance. With its comprehensive structure and valuable insights, this Fellowship prepares you for a successful career in the public service sector. Don’t miss the chance to be a part of this transformative program.

Apply for the Mukerjee Fellowship today and pave the way for a rewarding career in policy-making and governance.!